Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chasing the Sun

So much of what I do as a photographer requires tracking the weather and sun up, sun down times.  I've developed a keen sense of when there's going to be spectacular light or a beautiful sunset.  Photographing around the valley this time of year is irresistible.  The colors are so vibrant and full of contrast, but capturing it's incredible beauty is not as easy as it may seem.  When the light is right, you only have so much time to capture the scenery, we're talking fifteen minutes or so when the landscape dances with the light.  As a mama I don't get to just pick up and go at any time I'd like, so I do a lot of pre-planning and scouting with Milo in the car, knowing that when I get the opportunity combined with that perfect light, I'm gonna go full force as a photographer.

I was so fortunate to have it all fall in to place earlier this week because I've been itching to capture these fall colors.  On the way to a playground in Napa earlier this week I deviated off the main road into the heart of Carneros to check out the scenes.  I took some mental pictures knowing where I'd re-visit if the time, opportunity, and mother nature all worked in my favor.  It just happened the day my mom was able to watch Milo, we had an amazing sunset.  These photos are the result from that afternoon.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Becca, these photos are gorgeous! You are so talented.